OK--I am not going to list anything that is not up yet.  However, this site is being worked on CONSTANTLY, so bookmark me and you will have some serious resources at your fingertips.  Below is what is live on the net so far.

Internet Community
Communities, Chats, Message Boards,  these are the internet activist lounges and hubs where student organizers interested in progressive change can be found.  Get ideas and start networking.

Activism Resources
Hate Watchers, lists of the radical right organizations, organizing and group building resources, resources for take action events, internet activism, and the like.

I have a lot of research to do!  Here is what I am looking at:

  • Collaborate -- Manuals on organizing, group dynamics, membership building

  • Investigate/Anticipate -- Uncovering the Right on campus, finding your friends, finding your enemies, identify think tanks, funding sources, Hate Watch and formulating a response.

  • Agitate/Educate -- Tools of activism, how to set up an action plan, setting yourself on the web, in the campus system, plus ideas for projects, legal necessities of civil disobediance, creating newsletters and webpages, mentoring the youth, ect.

  • PLUS

  • The Reference Pages--no more links to a site where you have to search for the facts in the site.  Here are links to the specific fact sheets from breast cancer to abortion to hate crime.  Also included will be as many organizations as i can possibly find for every focus.